Blogging through the Alphabet – B is for Babies!

Yes, today B is for Babies!  I could have chosen a million other things but babies was the first thing in my mind!  Why?  Well maybe because I have had 4 of them.  I always knew I would be a mommy.  Always did.  Now is it going quite like expected not really but that’s ok.

Our 1st child, Jonathan, was born 10 months after getting married.  One of those honeymoon babies (though technically conceived 2 months after our wedding), but close enough I suppose. 

Jordan, our 2nd, took a little bit longer to have.  We started trying when Jonathan was just over 2yrs old.  But God had other plans.  It took us a little over 2 years to get pregnant.  Jordan was born on his Daddy’s birthday (Jonathan was 5).

Josef (baby 3) was a bit of a surprise.  I probably got pregnant in the month of April, but didn’t realize it until June.  Don’t know how I didn’t realize it.  I was busy homeschooling Jonathan (7 at the time) and Jordan was not quite 2 yet.  He was born in January the following year. 

Cordelia was definitely a surprise for us all!  Though I knew really early on that I was pregnant.  (like took the test before my cycle and it was positive pregnant)  I was scared, thrilled, anxious, sad and very hormonal.  I was also dealing with the fact that not everyone was happy we were having another baby. 

Until we told everyone at the time I was 4 months pregnant, I battled with my feelings and emotions.  Knowing that everyone was not going to be thrilled and all the questions we would get as parents of 4 children really had me struggling.  I guess I let what everyone else thinks get to me.

When we did tell everyone I was so relieved to just have it out in the open.  The stress of keeping it to ourselves was finally over and I could enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. 

So now we get the questions about having more children.  My current reply is that we have 1 more seat in the van till it is full and then leave it at that.  Who knows if we will have more.  Only God does.  I am open to having more children.  They are blessings.  Even when the days are long and rough, I wouldn’t trade having my kids for anything!